Class 3

Welcome to Class 3

Our teachers for 2023/24 are Miss Mundy and Mrs Donson
Mrs Lupton and Mrs Dennett are our teaching assistants.

2023/24 Y3 Reading Spine

Summer Term

Our topic for Summer 2 is – The UK. See our knowledge organiser at the bottom of the page to find out our 3 facts for life!


This week in DT we began our ‘Pizza Project’. We tasted a variety of pizzas and evaluated them. Over the coming weeks we will produce questionnaires to understand popular toppings before designing and making our own pizzas influenced by our own preferences and the research we have conducted. We will then take our yummy pizzas home to enjoy.

This week we explored what a county is. We talked about counties in the UK. We located the county we live in (Wiltshire) on a map and identified the counties that border it. We traced the county borders onto tracing paper and laid them over a blank map of the UK. Later this term we will add the major UK rivers onto this map too.

Computing in Term 6

In our computing this term, we are using scratch to learn about ‘events’ and ‘actions’ and will be making mazes. To help us explore the code blocks in scratch, we learnt about using different angles and turns and went outside to programme our friends to move around our playground. 

Our topic for Summer 1 was ‘Animals, including humans’. 

Riverbourne Farm Trip

To launch our topic this term, we spent a morning at Riverbourne Community Farm. We had a brilliant morning and learnt a lot of interesting facts about the animals there. Did you know… Pigs are pregnant for 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days? Turkeys have a red face when they are stressed and a blue face when they are calm? A chicken egg takes 21 days to hatch?

Spring Term

Cress Egg Heads! 

Our topic for Spring 2 is ‘The Ancient Egyptians’

In DT this term we explored textiles. We thought about Egyptian Collars and innovated these to create samples of new designs fit for a Pharaoh. 

Writing our names in Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Pharaoh hunting and tomb exploring!

In History we have been exploring the content of Tutankhamun’s tomb and understanding why these findings made him famous. 

We also collected facts on famous Pharaoh’s and had fun discussing similarities and differences. We loved finding out that Tutankhamun was only 9 when he became a Pharaoh. Not much older than us!

Forest School

We have been lucky to have the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust running forest school sessions for us this term. We have used our imaginations to develop some wonderful challenges and adventures for ourselves. We have also enjoyed den building, ‘mining’ for precious stones, fire lighting, nordic knitting, bug hunting, flag making, and whittling sticks using tools. 

World Book Day 2024

We enjoyed talking about our outfits and sharing stories. We also enjoyed some opportunities for ‘Stop, Drop and Read!’ moments. 

Our topic in Spring 1 was ‘Extreme Earth: Mountains, and Volcanoes’. 
Our parent planner and knowledge organiser can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.


In Literacy we are learning the portal story ‘The Door’. Our outcome for this writing unit is a setting description. We will work towards innovating the story and writing our own versions using a volcano as our setting.  

In Term 3, we prepared layered salads. We linked this to our learning of the structure of the Earth – as we layered the salad, we recalled the different layers of the Earth. We had great fun being creative with Mrs Hayes.

Shadow Art

This term we combined science and art. Having learnt the science behind how shadows are made, we used our new knowledge to help us create some amazing shadow sculptures. We enjoyed experimenting with using different opaque and translucent objects, and moving the torch to different positions to change our shadows. Our art was inspired by ‘Kumi Yamashita’ and ‘Vincent Bal’, two artists who use shadows in their work. 

Autumn Term

Our first topic this year was ‘Stone Age to Iron Age’.



We had a fantastic trip to Stonehenge to help us with our topic learning. We explored the exhibition and enjoyed discovering some of the secrets of the incredible ancient monument.

Science: Rocks, soil and fossils

Linked with our Stone Age topic, we have enjoyed being geologists this term. So far we have asked these questions: What is the difference between natural and man-made rocks? How are rocks made? What is sand? If we re-built Stonehenge, which rock would we use? How are fossils formed?

We have been very excited to investigate the answers to these questions and present our learning in different ways. One of the highlights was making fossils using dog treats as our creature’s bones!

Our Stonehenge to Iron Age Museum:

Our curriculum documents: