Our Teachers are Mrs Knapman (Maternity cover, Mon – Thurs) and Mrs Donson (Thurs pm and Fri).
Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Hudson.
Are you looking for some high quality books to share with your child? Check out these recommended reads for Reception children. We’d love to hear about the ones you have shared together at home in your blue reading records.
Click on the book to take you to the recommended lists and download the Reception Book List…
During the Spring term, our first topic will be ‘Once upon a Time’. We will focus on different fairytales and become storytellers. We will develop our language by asking ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions and explore different endings to stories.
During term 4, our topic will be ‘Ready Steady Sow’. We will be looking for signs of spring and learning about changes during the new season. We will plant seeds and learn how plants grow.
We have had great fun welcoming and celebrating the New Year. We made 2025 wishing wands and set ourselves new year’s resolutions. We have also learnt about the ‘Lunar New Year’ and planned our own celebrations to mark the spring festival. This included learning about the story of the Chinese Zodiac, making lanterns and dragons, performing a dragon parade for the rest of the school and making our own stir fry. Happy New Year and Gong hei fat choy!
During the Autumn term, our topic will be ‘Me and My Family’. We will be settling into our new classroom and getting to know all the adults and our new friends. We will begin to think about ourselves and our bodies, families and where we live. We will also think about our senses.
In the second half of the term our topic will be ‘Starry Night’. We will be thinking about bonfire night, Diwali and Christmas. There will be lots of singing, dancing and most importantly, GLITTER! We will learn about the nativity story and why it is important to Christians.
We have had lots of fun celebrating Diwali together. We were fascinated to learn the story of Rama and Sita and discover the origins of the festival of light. Our celebrations have included making rangoli patterns, using clay to make our own diwa lamps, launching rockets on the field, making 2D shape rockets and, last but not least, making delicious coconut barfi to enjoy sharing with our friends. Happy Diwali!
We have been thinking about the season of autumn. We brought in collections of autumn finds from home and went on an autumnal walk around the school looking for signs of autumn and change. We have created some autumn artwork using leaves and finger paints as well.
Here is a poem we have been learning about autumn…
Useful websites and apps for home learning to practise what we have been doing in school
Maths games- Topmarks offers a range of games that can be played on a computer.
Phonics games– Phonics Play offers a range of games that can be played on a computer or iPad. It is no longer free for families so please follow the registration details.
Literacy games– Topmarks also offer some literacy games including phonics ones.
Apps that may be useful
White rose maths app- used in and recommended by school
Busy Things app- used in school for independent learning
Teach Your Monster to Read
Wee Kids Maths
Reading Eggs
Aliens and Numbers