Class 4

Welcome to Class 4

Our teacher for 2024/25 is Miss Smith.

Our class teaching assistants are Mrs Dennett and Mrs Fagan.

Our learning journey 2024-25

St Andrew’s Year 4 Reading Spine  2024-2025

Key information:

Key information regarding Class 4’s curriculum is listed and downloadable below.  

Our learning journey 2023-24

St Andrew’s Year 4 Reading Spine  2023-2024

Term 1 - Ancient Greece

Literacy Term 1 - Leo and the Gorgon's Curse

Leo and the Gorgon’s Curse by Joe Todd-Stanton has been the source of inspiration for writing throughout this term. Linking our writing to our work in History with Ancient Greece, we follow the story of Leo’s journey to Athens in search of great adventure. Faced with the Gorgon, along with other mythical creatures, we discovered if Leo was able to catch them and help Athena. Taking inspiration from these tales, we have created our own mythical creatures, described in detail through non-chronological reports. Using these fantastic creations, we could then begin writing a narrative extract in which the hero Leo is sent on another epic quest to catch them…

Science Term 1 - States of Matter

This term we have been investigating the states of matter and putting into practice our observation and investigation skills. We investigated whether custard was a liquid and were able to observe water cooling using thermometers, but the class favourite by far was observing melting using chocolate! 

Term 2 - Ancient Rome

Literacy Term 2 - Escape from Pompeii

In Term 2 we have been exploring Ancient Rome. We were able to explore the theme of the Romans through our core text ‘Escape from Pompeii’, and create some diary entries imagining we were there on that fateful day… 

DT Term 2 - Making Roman shields

During our first DT sequence of lessons this year, we investigated the materials, shapes and patterns used in the creation of the Roman Army’s shields, and how they were used effectively to make shield walls. We then were able to design and create our own shields using materials such as cardboard, decorating them with designs we had planned. Once complete, we tested them by throwing hockey balls at them to evaluate their efficiency. 

Term 3 - Romans in Britain

History Term 3 - Romans in Britain

This term we have been investigating the impact of the Roman invasion on Britain, and the legacy that the Romans left behind. 

Beginning our term with a Roman Dress Day, we were able to spend a day as Roman citizens, trying their food and exploring their culture.

We were also visited this term by Salisbury Museum and were able to explore Roman architecture through archeological finds. Then, we created our own Relief Pot Shard using Roman designs. 

Guided by our core text ‘I was there: Boudicca’s Army’, we reflected on the Celtic view of the invasion and why Boudicca led an army against the Romans. We also explored the purpose of Hadrian’s Wall.

Forest School Term 3

Class 4 were able to participate in Forest School this term, in which we were able to explore a wide variety of outdoor activities, tasks and skills including fire lighting, den building, crown designing, bird making, whittling and more.

Term 4 - Ancient Egypt

This term we have been looking at Ancient Egypt and discovered the secrets of the Ancient Pyramids, cities and legends. We even found out what was in Tutankhamun’s tomb. 

Science Term 4 - tooth decay

In science this term we looked at our digestive system and teeth. We investigated the effects of sugar on our teeth by placing eggs into cups of water, orange juice and cola overnight, and the results were more than we expected! 

Term 5 - South America

This term class 4 took an airplane trip to South America, all without even leaving the classroom! We needed to fill up our ticket with information about South America before ‘arriving’. We were able to complete the term by creating a PowerPoint showing all of our new learning, and presented them to the class. 

Term 6 - Rainforests

This term Class 4 took a trip to a real rainforest, and were able to see the tropical plants and animals up close in real life! We were even lucky enough to see the sloth! 

Key information:

Key information regarding Class 4’s curriculum is listed and downloadable below. The presentation from our Multiplication Tables Check Parent Meeting can also be found below.