Class 1

Welcome to Class 1

Our class teacher is: Mrs Curzon-Tapner From April 2024 we will be taught by Mrs Bloom and Mrs Freiman

Mrs Foord is our Teaching Assistant

This term our topic is ‘Toys’.  We will be learning all about the history of toys and how they have changed over the last 100 years.  We will enjoy stories based around out topic and create our own toy themed moving pictures in DT. 
Our PE days this term are Wednesday and Thursday– please make sure you have your PE kits and suitable trainers for this day. As the weather is still unpredictable and cold, please make sure your children have suitable PE kit for the weather.

Spring 2 

We started our Toys topic off with an exciting visit from Salisbury museum.  We had the opportunity to play with a brilliant selection of toys from the past, some which were really old! 

Spring 1

We started our space topic off by sharing all the things we already know about Space and writing down things we want to find out.  We made our own rockets and had a competition to see how far they could fly.

Autumn 2

In DT this term, we looked at how we can choose and join different materials.  We all got to have a go at threading a needle and sewing a simple running stitch.  We also used different materials to create our own page of a ‘That’s not my….’ book for Christmas.

 Autumn 1
Today we started off our weather topic with an adventure outside! We walked up to the Laverstock Downs and recorded the different types of weather we observed on our maps.