Parent adviser

Parent adviser


My name is Jemma Mackle.  I am your Parent Support Adviser (PSA) at St Andrew’s as well as being the school’s Emotional Literacy Support Advisor (ELSA).  I can offer help and support to parents about any worries that may be causing concern for you or your child during their time at school. PSA’s work in partnership with parents and the schools their children attend.

I can provide confidential support, guidance and information about services in the local area. I don’t claim to have all the answers but I might be able to help you find the right advice, support or help.

Helping you to help your child

  • Perhaps you need help talking to your child’s teacher or school.
  • Maybe your child is behaving in a way you don’t like or feel unable to handle.
  • It could be that as a family you are experiencing difficulties.

How can I help you?

  • Provide a listening ear for your worries
  • Help you talk to your child’s teacher or school
  • Offer guidance about behaviour problems
  • Give support and advice on starting school and moving on to secondary school
  • Gain access to information about other difficulties you may be having such as money worries, relationships, health and more
  • Family Learning

How can you contact me?

I am in school every day, so you can talk to me directly or contact me on the numbers below:-