

< December 2024 >
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9 10 11KS1 Performance'sKS1 Performance'sKS1 Christmas Performance's, 1.30pm and 5pm.
Please drop children back to school for 4.15pm for the evening performance.
12Jumper dayJumper dayAs part of our Affordable Schools initiative, we will not be celebrating ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ this year, but will be having a ‘Jumper Day’ instead. Many children may only wear a Christmas jumper once or twice before growing out of it, so this year the children can wear a jumper of their choice. Theatre Group - Jungle bookTheatre Group - Jungle bookTheatre Group - Jungle book 13 14 15
16 17KS2 Carol ConcertKS2 Carol ConcertTime: 09:15 - 10:15
KS2 Carol Concert - St Andrew's Church 9.15am St Andrew's Church
18Christmas Dinner DayChristmas Dinner DayChristmas meal St Andrews 19Ukulele Performance - Yr5&6Ukulele Performance - Yr5&6Time: 14:30 - 15:00
Ukulele Performance School hall
20Last day of Term 2Last day of Term 2Last day of Term 2 St Andrew School Party disco dayParty disco dayParty disco day - Non uniform day 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31          
 Term Dates
 TD Days/Bank Hols
 Swimming Lessons
 Parents to Lunch
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