Local Community
Our current Church was built in 1858 and remains at the centre of our village life, serving its spiritual needs. It provides baptisms, confirmations, marriages and funerals. We are a joint Parish with Salisbury St Mark’s. Your church is represented on the Governing body of St Andrew’s School by our Foundation Governors:
- Rev Diane Roberts – Ex Officio Governor
- Liz Bunting – Associate Governor, Lay Pastoral Assistant and Leader of ‘Communitea’
- Jane Burton – Foundation Governor
- David Hazelton – Foundation Governor
- Ali Bailey – Foundation Governor
- Wendy Orphan – Foundation Governor
- Sheena Blackford – Foundation Governor
- Bronwen Jugg – Foundation Governor
You are warmly invited to join us at St Andrew’s Church at any of our services:
Sunday Services:-
9 am Breakfast@9 – informal service with breakfast
10.30am – Holy Communion
Tuesdays (term time only):-
2pm – 4pm: Communitea – tea/coffee and biscuits in church. Everyone is welcome.
9.30 Holy Communion
For further details please contact:
Vicar: Rev. Andy Bousfield
email: vicar@stmarkstandrew.org
website: www.stmarksstandrew.org
Phone: 07966434117
Address: 62 Barrington Road, Salisbury SP1 3JD
Parish Office: 07966 434117
email: office@stmarksstandrew.org
Ministers: | Revd Diane Roberts (Tel: 01725 510894) Email: robertsdiane1@aol.com |
Churchwardens: | Sue Gallagher (01722 332619) ; Russell Jugg (01722 504852) |
Communitea: | Liz Bunting (01722 503742) |
Global Community
Research shows that maintaining hydration levels is crucial in order for both children and adults to perform at their optimum throughout the day. As a result, we decided at St Andrew’s VA Primary School to invest in water coolers with AquAid. Our unique relationship with AquAid has also given our school the opportunity to help those less fortunate than ourselves. With every bottle of water that we drink we are contributing 40p to Christian Aid and The Africa Trust.
Our decision to also install a mains fed machine means that a further £20 per annum is going to The Africa Trust. Through our contributions to The Africa Trust an ‘Elephant Pump’ has been installed in Africa on our behalf. This pump will bring much needed clean, fresh drinking water and improve the quality of life of those who will have access to our well. Our school’s name will be displayed proudly on our well.
For further information about Aquaid’s work, please click on the logo below to visit the Aquaid site.